Thursday, January 12, 2012

Atlanta Mayor talks transportation to OTPers

Dear Mayor, I admire your patience. Once again, you went OTP trying to communicate with the 'outlanders'  the message that we are all one big regional economic engine for Georgia and we MUST work together if there is any hope of putting people back to work.

You are so good at explaining how fundamental it is to the ENTIRE metropolitan Atlanta region (NOT just City of Atlanta) we address both the reality AND the perception that commuting in Atlanta is such a nightmare. I'm sure they all nodded in agreement when you told them about how hard it is to talk to prospective employers about moving their companies to Atlanta when they are holding our commute time statistics in their hands. 'But we have a really cool airport!' is just not going to cut it if the CEOs knows their employees will spend over an hour getting to work each day. Everyone got that - right?

I'm pretty sure you didn't talk too much about how hard it is for people like me who live, work and play all within the City limits to ride MARTA 'cause it just doesn't take me where I need to go. About how great it would be to get my car off the city streets.  That's OK, I understand. OTPiums don't really care about anything except getting in and out of town as fast as they can.  But wait!  They are always complaining about the amount of traffic in downtown Atlanta!  Surely they were thrilled at the idea of fewer cars on our busy streets so they could get to the Fox faster....
 - right?

So, Mr Mayor, I hear they showed you appropriate southern hospitality and clapped after your speech. That's nice. So, just curious, did they agree to vote for the T-SPLOST?  Did you get the OTPits to listen to you like President Obama does?  I hope so 'cause this ATL Gal is voting FOR the T-SPLOST, but I think you are gonna need a lot more votes.

Atlanta mayor talks transportation - Neighbor Newspapers

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