Saturday, August 23, 2008

Listen to this song

I have 5 minutes between the moments of frenzied insanity trying to gt out the door to post a quick note to ask you to listen to this wonderful protest song by my friend Bobby Don Bloodworth of Georgia. He has a message for Barack Obama, for us all, that will touch you - I promise. My mother (remember her? the one who made me do this blog) has donated space on her business web site for a link to Bobby’s song. Go here

Here is where I get serious for one moment. Change only happens when we ALL stand up and demand it. I am standing up. I invite you to stand up with me. I know you are busy - we all are. But we MUST stop this war and save the Planet for our children and their's to come. There are some great/brave people out there who want to help us do this but we MUST get them elected. Start locally, volunteer on someone’s campaign – Martin, Obama. Make calls, stuff envelopes, put out yard signs. It is the time for change. THIS is the moment when change can happen. Don't you feel the excitement in the air? Visualize a BLUE GEORGIA!!!! Stand up now.

See you in Denver!


  1. Hey Anna - I'm so glad you're keeping a blog - will live vicariously off you and your experiences the next several days.

    Have a blast - and thanks for the news!

  2. p.s. - I can't figure out how to change "dee" said - so just pretend that "dee" is channeling Jenny xo
